Monday, April 4, 2011

farm tour: week 1

Reporting from a rainy barn, sunburned, happy, and tired. Even on this first day, it seems like the time will be lost before it begins. With that in mind, each Monday I hope to give a snapshot of a different aspect of the farm, and the work we did that particular day. Only 27 weeks left!

We spent the day cultivating rows of spinach, garlic, onions, kale, bok choi, and carrots. Cultivating, despite its high-faluting association with teas and ladies, simply means using a lady of another kind to scrape germinating weeds off the top layer of soil, between the rows.

Here, the hula hoe, so named for its hula hoop circular shape.

Carrots take longer than most little guys to germinate and thus present a challenge to hoe around. They are extremely small. To demonstrate: a carrot shoot next to my pen. (They're the spiky, green ones!)

These are the main fields of the farm. I'll take another shot in a few weeks and you won't believe the jungle that will sprout.

Next up on our initial farm tour: the barn from which I write, and where we  live.

And finally, a farm girl's hand on her first day:

1 comment:

  1. lovely--especially your hand...

    a snippet from Thomas Hardy:

    "a field-woman is a portion of the field; she has somehow lost her own margin, imbibed the essence of her surrounding, and assimilated herself with it."

