Monday, June 27, 2011

farm tour: week 11 and 12

It's nigh on summer time here in the mountains, and it's more than easy to start falling in love with the farming lifestyle. Even an eleven-hour day feels mighty fine when, in exchange, you get dips in the creek, frosty brews in the big city, thunderstorms galore (good for us, but sad for crops), mushroom logs finally fruiting, and above all else, the most delicious produce this side of anywhere (i'm looking at you, green garlic).

Here's some sights and scenes from the farm!

gateway to the work day, resplendent in afternoon sun:

the banjo, in its new place of prominence:

a new friend:

the summer crops, heated and protected by reusable greenhouse plastic: 

Twelve weeks of dunking logs starts to pay off:

 the ivy creek, moving fast from rainstorms:

at long last, our garlic safely in the barn, away from the muddy fields:

farm girl hands after suckering tomato vines (note the overalls):

1 comment:

  1. So great!!! Wonderful to see! The fruits of your labor and the beauty of the world. Nice, nice. Thanks!
